
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


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Práctica reflexiva como estrategia de desarrollo profesional: presencia y estructura en reuniones docentes
Erazo-Jiménez,María Soledad;
Educación y Educadores , 2009,
Abstract: the theoretical and empirical findings of a broad study on the collective processes of reflection developed in routine spaces where teachers meet are presented in this work. reflexive practice, viewed as a professional metacompetence that is the basis for updating, furthering and mobilizing professional knowledge and its development in contexts for interaction, as a strategic way to reinforce the quality of education, is understood as a cornerstone of professional development. through their identification and analysis, the concepts that allow for a characterization of collective practices of reflection from the standpoint of their presence and structure are presented in this work to contribute relevant avenues for their promotion and development in the context of professional practice.
Rigor científico en las prácticas de investigación cualitativa
Erazo Jiménez,María Soledad;
Ciencia, docencia y tecnolog?-a , 2011,
Abstract: the following article develops an analysis of the criteria of scientific rigour which according to the specializated literature guide -or should guide- the process of qualitative research in social sciences. at first, we review the contemporary discussion on these criteria including the proposals of different authors; then, we develop the analysis of the different positions considering their distance to the traditional quantitative research and the stage of the research process they belong to, and finally we discuss the implications for the educational research.
Práctica reflexiva como estrategia de desarrollo profesional: presencia y estructura en reuniones docentes Práticas reflexivas como estratégia de desenvolvimento profissional: presen a e estrutura nas reuni es de docentes Reflexive Practice as a Strategy for Professional Development: Presence and Structure in Teachers' Meetings
María Soledad Erazo-Jiménez
Educación y Educadores , 2009,
Abstract: Este trabajo presenta los hallazgos teóricos y empíricos obtenidos de una investigación sobre los procesos de reflexión colectiva que se desarrollan en espacios cotidianos de reunión de profesores. Concebida la práctica reflexiva como una metacompetencia profesional que está en la base de la actualización, profundización y movilización de los conocimientos profesionales, y su desarrollo en contextos de interacción, como vía estratégica para el fortalecimiento de la calidad de la educación, se entiende como piedra angular del desarrollo profesional docente. A partir de su identificación y análisis, se presentan aquí aquellos conceptos que permiten caracterizar las prácticas de reflexión colectiva desde el punto de vista de su presencia y estructura, a fin de aportar pistas relevantes para su promoción y desarrollo en contextos de ejercicio profesional. Este artigo apresenta os resultados teóricos e empíricos obtidos em uma pesquisa mais amplia sobre os processos de reflex o coletiva, desenvolvidos em espa os do dia a dia de reuni o de professores. A prática reflexiva é a pedra angular docente, já que se concebe como uma meta-competencia profissional situada na base da atualiza o, da profundidade e da mobiliza o dos conhecimentos profissionais, O seu desenvolvimento em contextos de intera o concebe-se como caminho estratégico para robustecer a qualidade da educa o. Depois identificá-la e analisá-la, neste artigo apresentam-se os conceitos que permitem caracterizar as práticas de reflex o coletiva seguindo a sua presen a e estrutura, para contribuir com pistas importantes na sua promo o e desenvolvimento nos contextos de exercício profissional. The theoretical and empirical findings of a broad study on the collective processes of reflection developed in routine spaces where teachers meet are presented in this work. Reflexive practice, viewed as a professional metacompetence that is the basis for updating, furthering and mobilizing professional knowledge and its development in contexts for interaction, as a strategic way to reinforce the quality of education, is understood as a cornerstone of professional development. Through their identification and analysis, the concepts that allow for a characterization of collective practices of reflection from the standpoint of their presence and structure are presented in this work to contribute relevant avenues for their promotion and development in the context of professional practice.
Rigor científico en las prácticas de investigación cualitativa
María Soledad Erazo Jiménez
Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología , 2011,
Abstract: En el presente artículo se desarrolla y sistematiza un análisis de los criterios de rigor científico que, de acuerdo con la literatura especializada, guían -o deben guiar- los procesos de investigación cualitativa en las ciencias sociales. En primer lugar, se aborda la discusión contemporánea de estos criterios, incluyendo los propósitos de diferentes autores. En segundo lugar, se desarrolla el análisis de las diferentes posiciones considerando su distancia respecto de la investigación cuantitativa tradicional y la etapa del proceso de investigación a la que pertenecen. Finalmente, se discuten las implicancias que todo lo anterior tiene en relación a la investigación educacional.
Prácticas reflexivas, racionalidad y estructura en contextos de interacción profesional
Erazo, María Soledad;
Perfiles educativos , 2011,
Abstract: from the point of view of the professor as a subject of knowledge and pedagogical action, the situation of professional interaction between pairs becomes an open field for the problematization; in this field, the analysis of the relations that are laid down between professional knowledge, pedagogical practice and the institutional conditions of performance are the base on which the strategies of educational strengthening implemented during the last decades are founded. this research considered it was possible to study a particular analytical practice, conceptualized as reflexive, portraying it from the point of view of rationality and of the structure that supports it. in this sense, the main contributions of the study focus on the identification and practice of four kinds of professional reflection, and thanks to this new categories and precedents of theoretical and empirical relevance are incorporated not only for the development of the research in this area, but also for the strengthening of the quality of education, process in which, according to the chosen focus, the cornerstone is the teaching professional subject.
Prácticas reflexivas, racionalidad y estructura en contextos de interacción profesional
María Soledad Erazo
Perfiles educativos , 2011,
Abstract: Desde la perspectiva del profesor como sujeto de conocimiento y acción pedagógica, la situación de interacción profesional con los pares se constituye en un campo abierto a la problematización; en éste, el análisis de las relaciones que se establecen entre el saber profesional, la práctica pedagógica y las condiciones institucionales de desempe o, constituyen la base sobre la cual se fundan importantes estrategias de fortalecimiento educacional emprendidas en el transcurso de las últimas décadas. La presente investigación se planteó el estudio de una particular práctica analítica conceptualizada como reflexiva, caracterizándola desde el punto de vista de la racionalidad y estructura que la sustenta. En este sentido, las principales aportaciones del estudio se enfocan en la identificación en la práctica de cuatro tipos de reflexión profesional, con lo cual se incorporan categorías y antecedentes de relevancia teórica y empírica tanto para el desarrollo de la investigación en el área, como para el fortalecimiento de la calidad de la educación, proceso en el cual, de acuerdo a los enfoques sostenidos, la piedra angular la constituye el sujeto profesional docente.
Jóvenes secundarios de hoy: estudio sobre su visión de la sociedad desde los conceptos de Anomia y Alienación Psicosocial
Ruiz,Soledad; Reinoso,Alejandro; Asún,Rodrigo; Aceituno,Roberto; Ugarte,Ana María; Jiménez,álvaro;
Ultima década , 2011, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-22362011000200009
Abstract: the present study is about the social integration of young people, in this case, through the concepts of alienation and psychosocial anomie, addressing the normative condition posed by the social world, in objective, institutionalized and subjective aspects such as the relationship of the individual with respect to ?the others? and the ?other? in a more abstract dimension. fourteen interviews were conducted in-depth with school youth of different sexes and income levels. the results will consist of five discourses that enable youth to discuss the current conditions of individualization and the imaginary relationship of youth publicly and socially.
Infusión automatizada manual en la hemodiafiltración on-line postdilucional: hacia la optimización del volumen de reinfusión
Fernández Martínez,Ana Vanessa; Horrillo Jiménez,Francisco; Pérez Valencia,Laura; Soto Ure?a,Salvadora; Arenas Fuentes,María; Arregui Arias,Yanina; Pérez García,Rosario; Pereira Martínez,María Soledad;
Revista de la Sociedad Espa?ola de Enfermería Nefrológica , 2011, DOI: 10.4321/S1139-13752011000300006
Abstract: haemodiafiltration (hdf) techniques with high convective volumes are an interesting form of filtering due to their approximation to the native kidney. among them, post-dilution on-line hdf is the most efficacious form of infusion for eliminating molecules with different molecular weights. recent advances in technology permit the automatic prescription of the infusion flow (qi), proving at least as efficacious as manual infusion. the aim of this study is to assess whether it is possible to increase the efficacy of automated infusion in post-dilution on-line hdf by manually increasing the initial qi by measuring the final convective volume and kt. the nursing workloads are also assessed, measured by the number of interventions related to the technique. in all patients (n 96) 3 dialysis sessions are carried out (st 5008 fresenius medical care) with automatic reinfusion, followed by another 3 sessions with manual automated reinfusion increasing the qi by 10 ml/min to the automatically measured dose. the results obtained show significant differences (p<0.001) in the reinfusion volume, which is 6% higher in manual automated form (23.01 ± 2.22 litres) than in automated (21.7 ± 2.62 litres). 75% of patients reached 20 litres or more with self-replacement, compared to 87.5% with manual automated replacement (p<0.001). there are no differences in qb, qd, effective dialysis time and kt. the number of interventions due to alarms related to the technique or nursing staff is higher (p=0.001).
Bioactive Flavonoids, Antioxidant Behaviour, and Cytoprotective Effects of Dried Grapefruit Peels (Citrus paradisi Macf.)
Isidro Hermosín-Gutierrez,Joaquín Jordán,Lucia Castro-Vazquez,María Consuelo Díaz-Maroto,María Elena Ala?ón,María Francisca Galindo,María Soledad Pérez-Coello,María del Mar Arroyo-Jiménez,Virginia Rodríguez-Robledo
- , 2016, DOI: 10.1155/2016/8915729
Representaciones sociales del asociativismo municipal en educación: un marco conceptualpara la educación chilena
Erazo Jimenez,María Soledad; Villalta Páucar,Marco; Morales Jeldes,Marcelo;
Polis (Santiago) , 2012, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-65682012000100008
Abstract: in the following article we analyze the possibilities of the socialrepresentations (sr) theory to, from the perspective of the subjects, research onthe cognitive elements involved and socially constructed, that support micro andmacro institutional management actions and coordination among severalmunicipalities of a common territory; what literature and management refer to asassociative work or associationism. there is a specific interest about socialrepresentations of associationism in the field of education, from politicaladministrative actors and professionals involved in improving local education. itis postulated and substantiated that the study of social representations of municipal associativism on education is relevant from the conceptual elementsof the processual perspective, since the object of representation -the municipalassociativism on education-and the techniques for its analysis are consistent withthe implementation strategies of associative work at the various levels of municipal organization in the field of education.

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